The ColdFusion Administrator has significant new functionality that includes the following features:
The ColdFusion Administrator implements Solr support using the following pages under Data & Services:
· ColdFusion Collections
· Solr Server
· Migrate Verity Collection
The Server Manager page under Server Monitoring lets you download the Server Manager AIR application to your computer. In the Alert Configuration page, you can configure the AIR application to get instant server alerts using the Notify Client option.
The Document page under Server Settings lets you configure OpenOffice with a local or remote ColdFusion server instance.
In the Settings Page under Server Settings, you can specify the license key to access Google Maps.
The Mail page under Server Settings lets you view and manage undelivered mails. You can also set mail security using Sign, KeystorePassword, KeyAlias, and KeyPassword options.
In the Data Sources page under Data & Services, select MySQL (Data Direct) from the Driver drop-down list.
The Sandbox Security page under Security lets you enable or disable runtime permissions in ColdFusion.
The Settings page under Server Settings lets you enable or disable the Virtual File System support.
The User Manager page under Security lets you select the available exposed services. You can configure IP addresses to access the exposed services using the Allowed IP Addresses page.
The Settings Summary page under Server Settings lets you export the server settings to PDF by clicking the Save As PDF button.
In the Settings page under Server Settings, select the Component With onServerStart() Method to specify the absolute path to a CFC that contains server.cfc
The Settings page under Server Settings lets you disable implicit UDF registration.
The Settings page under Server Settings lets you manage extra spaces, tabs, and carriage returns in your ColdFusion pages. Whitespace management is enabled, by default.
The Caching page under Server Settings lets you manage component caching. Select the Component Cache check box to cache the component path resolution.