Create a ColdFusion Collection
Solr is a full-text search engine, based on Lucene, that contains the following features:
· XML/HTTP Interfaces
· Loose schema to define types and fields
· Web Administration Interface
· Extensive Caching
· Index Replication
· Extensible Open Architecture
· Written in Java5, deployable as a WAR
· Support for stemming
The Solr server instance runs as a separate server, which you can start or stop as a service. You can configure your Solr collection for indexing and search capabilities using ColdFusion Administrator.
To configure the Solr server in ColdFusion Administrator:
1. Click Data & Services > Solr Server.
2. On the Solr Server page, specify the following:
§ Solr Host Name: Specify a local or remote server that you want to configure.
§ Solr Home: The path of the directory where Solr Server is installed. For example, C:\ColdFusion9\solr\multicore
3. To add advance configuration settings for Solr, click the Show Advanced Settings button.
4. Specify the following:
§ Solr Admin Port: Port number of the Solr Server.
§ Solr WebApp: Name of Web Application where Solr Server is hosted.
§ Solr Buffer Limit: Specify the limit that Solr uses to buffer the search.