Multiserver monitor

Server Monitoring > Server Monitor


The ColdFusion Multiserver Monitor lets you keep track of activities on multiple ColdFusion servers. You can quickly see the status of several servers, and view detailed information about each server,


Add a server to those you are monitoring

  1. Click the Launch Multiserver Monitor button.

  2. Click Add Server.

  3. Enter the following:

  4. Click OK.


Quickly see the status of all the servers you are monitoring

For each server you are monitoring, the Multiserver Monitor displays the server name, port, how long the server has been running, and whether there are any alerts.


See a detailed status of all the servers you are monitoring

The detailed view lists each server. To see details about a server in the list, highlight it. The details appear at the bottom of the page.


See information about any server errors

Note: The errors listed on this page include only server errors. Application errors appear in the individual Server Monitor on the Summary page. For more information, see Server Monitor Summary.


If you register some servers in the Multiserver Monitor served by, and then open a Multiserver Monitor served by localhost, the servers are not considered to be the same servers. This is because Flash creates different shared objects for these IP addresses. The information that is stored in these shared objects is saved using XOR encryption. The master password for the Multiserver Monitor is stored using SHA1 encryption.