Use this page to specify a mail server to send automatic mail messages from the server.
The following table describes the mail server connection settings. Click Submit Changes to save your changes.
Option |
Description |
Default |
Mail Server |
Enter a valid mail server for sending dynamic SMTP mail messages. You can enter an Internet address, such as, or the IP address of the mail server, such as |
Disabled |
Username |
Enter the username for the mail server, if required. |
Password |
Enter the password for the mail server, if required. |
Sign |
Select this check box to enable ColdFusion to sign mails. |
Disabled |
Keystore |
Browse and specify the location of the keystore where the private key and certificate are located. The supported types are java key store (JKS) and pkcs12. |
Blank |
Keystore Password |
Specify the password for the keystore. |
Blank |
KeyAlias |
Alias of the key using which the private key and certificate are stored. If the key alias is not specified then the first entry in the Keystore Password is used. |
Blank |
Key Password |
Password used to store the private key. Keystore password is used as the keypassword in case the key password is not sepcified. |
Blank |
Verify mail server connection |
Select this option to verify that ColdFusion can connect to your specified mail server after you submit this form. In the Enterprise Edition, this option does not verify backup mail servers.
Note: Whether or not you use this option, you should verify that your mail server connection works by sending a test message. |
Disabled |
Server Port |
Enter the number of the port on which the mail server is running. Contact your server administrator for the appropriate port number. |
25 |
Backup Mail Servers (Enterprise Edition only) |
Enter zero or more backup servers for sending SMTP mail messages. You can enter an Internet address, such as, or the IP address of the mail server, such as Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
If the mail server requires authentication, prefix the mail server with the user name and password, as follows: username:password@mailserveraddress.
To use a port number other than the default (25), specify the port number after the address, separated by a colon; for example, mailserveraddress:portnumber. |
Disabled |
Maintain Connection to Mail Server (Enterprise Edition only) |
Select this option to keep mail server connections open after sending a mail message. Enabling this option can enhance performance when delivering multiple messages. |
Enabled |
Connection Timeout (seconds) |
Enter the number of seconds that ColdFusion should wait before timing out the connection to the SMTP server. |
60 |
Enable SSL socket connections to mail server |
Select this option to enable SSL encryption on the connections to the mail server. |
Disabled |
Enable TLS connection to mail server |
Select this option to enable Transport Level Security (TLS) on the connection to the mail server. |
Disabled |
The following table describes the preferences for configuring mail spool settings. Click Submit Changes to save your settings.
Option |
Description |
Default |
Spool Interval (seconds)
Enter the number of seconds at which you want the mail server to process spooled mail. |
Spool mail messages for delivery |
Select this check box to spool messages for delivery by the mail spooler (recommended). When not selected, the mail spooler attempts to deliver messages during page processing. To view mails that could not be delivered, see the Manage Undelivered Mails topic. |
Disabled |
Mail Delivery Threads (Enterprise Edition only) |
Enter the maximum number of simultaneous threads used to deliver spooled mail. |
Spool mail messages for delivery
(Memory spooling available for Enterprise Edition only) |
Select this option to route outgoing mail messages to the mail spooler. If you disable this option, ColdFusion delivers outgoing mail messages immediately.
In ColdFusion Enterprise Edition, you can spool messages either to disk (slower, but messages persist across shutdowns) or to memory (faster, but messages do not persist).
In ColdFusion Standard Edition, memory spooling is not available.
You can override this setting in the cfmail tag. |
Enabled, spool to disk |
Maximum number of messages spooled to memory (Enterprise Edition only) |
Enter the maximum number of messages that ColdFusion spools to memory before switching to disk spooling. |
The following table describes the preferences for handling mail logs. Click Submit Changes to save your settings.
Option |
Description |
Default |
Error Log Severity |
Select from the drop-down list box the type of SMTP-related error message to write to a log file. Values are: Debug, Information, Warning, and Error. The specifications are cumulative: that is, Debug contains Information, Warning, and Error; Information contains Warning and Error; and Warning contains Error. |
Warning |
Log all mail messages sent by ColdFusion |
Select this option to write the content of all e-mail messages that ColdFusion generates to a log file. |
Disabled |
The following table describes the default character set for cfmail. Click Submit Changes to save your settings.
Option |
Description |
Default |
Default CFMAIL Charset |
Select the default character set used by the cfmail tag. If the majority of your e-mail clients use a specific character set, you can use this setting to switch to that locale-specific character set. For example, Japanese mail is typically sent in ISO-2022-JP. |
UTF-8 |
Note: ColdFusion writes an Administrator mail error log to cf_root\Mail\Log for Windows, and cf_root/mail/log for Solaris.