Uninstall ColdFusion

Note: This discussion does not apply when deploying ColdFusion on a J2EE server. To uninstall ColdFusion on a J2EE server, uninstall the ODBC service on your Windows system, and undeploy the ColdFusion application.


Uninstalling ColdFusion deletes all ColdFusion program files and related components from your system.

Remove ColdFusion from Windows

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > ColdFusion.

  2. Click Remove. A dialog box confirms that you want to uninstall.

  3. To begin uninstalling, click Yes.

  4. When the program completes, restart your computer. ColdFusion is removed from your server.

Remove ColdFusion from UNIX

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Enter the following command to go to the cf_root/uninstall directory:

cd cf_root/uninstall

  1. Enter the following command:

./ uninstall.sh

      ColdFusion is removed from your server.