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Verity collections overview

ColdFusion incorporates Verity searching and indexing technology. It provides a means for creating and managing collections of indexed data that are optimized for fast retrieval.


Create a Verity collection

  1. On the Verity Collections page, enter a name for your collection in the Name field. The name can contain multiple words and spaces.

  2. (Optional) In the Path field, specify a path to place the collection on another machine or in another location on the system. The default path at installation is cf_root/verity/collections (Server configuration) or cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/verity (J2EE configuration).

      Note: This is the location for the collection, not for the files that you search.

  1. (Optional) Select a language other than English for the collection from the Language pop-up menu.

  2. (Optional) Enable support for Verity categories by selecting the Enable Category Support option.

  3. Select Verity Collection option.

  4. Click Create Collection. The Verity Collections table at the lower edge of the page shows the collection. You can now populate the collection. For details, see Populate a Verity collection.


Use Verity indexing and searching technology

  1. Create a collection by using the ColdFusion Administrator or using the cfcollection tag at run time. For details, see Create a Verity collection.

  2. Populate a collection with data to index specific directories. You can also populate a collection by using the cfindex tag at run time. For details, see Populate a Verity collection.

  3. Build searching and indexing capabilities into your application with the cfindex and cfsearch tags.



Examples of unregistered collections include the following:

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