After you perform basic configuration tasks in the Administrator pages, consider taking these actions:
Determine the identity of a website visitor: ColdFusion lets you use client variables to determine the identity of a client visiting your site. By managing client variables, you can use this information to customize page content for your clients. Select Server Settings > Client Variables in the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane to specify a default storage mechanism for client variables and to optionally specify the data source used to store client information. For details, see Client variable planning and Manage client variables.
Create logical aliases for physical directories: You can create logical aliases for paths to directories on your server. Select Server Settings > Mappings in the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane. For details, see About logical aliases for physical directories and Create logical mappings.
Register Java applets and CFX tags: You can use Java applets and CFX tags in your ColdFusion applications. Register the applets on the appropriate Extensions pages by selecting Extensions > Java Applets or Extensions > CFX Tags in the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane. After they are registered, you can incorporate the applets and tags in your applications. For details, see Java applets and the CFX Tags.
Configure standard debugging options: You can get useful debugging information about your application page requests from browsers by setting debugging preferences. Select Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings in the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane to set up debugging. For details, see Select debugging options.
Perform advanced administration tasks: If you require granular security control over your ColdFusion resources, or need to decentralize ColdFusion administrative responsibilities, implement ColdFusion Security. In the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane, select Security > Sandbox Security (Enterprise Edition) or Security > Resource Security (Standard Edition). To take advantage of additional capabilities that ColdFusion provides for controlling access by applications to resources on the server (such as data sources, files, directories, and IP addresses), consider configuring Sandbox Security. For details, see Configure ColdFusion security.