You can perform some tests to avoid experiencing trouble as you begin your work with ColdFusion Verify the following:
Web server is running: Before you install ColdFusion, ensure that your web server is installed and running. You can do this by loading a page in your web browser using the HTTP protocol. For details, see Verify that the web server is running.
ColdFusion is running: After you install ColdFusion, use the ColdFusion Administrator to ensure that ColdFusion is running. For details, see Verify that ColdFusion is running.
Change ColdFusion user account: In Windows, ColdFusion runs under the host System account by default. If ColdFusion application pages do not have access rights to interact with resources (remote data sources, other application pages, COM objects), you must run ColdFusion under a specific account that provides the necessary access rights. For details, see Change ColdFusion user account.
Analyze activity in log files: ColdFusion log files contain valuable information that can help you identify problems with ColdFusion or with application pages in your site. For details, see Analyze server activity in log files.