Server Settings

Manage client variables

Server Settings > Client Variables


ColdFusion lets you store client variables in the following ways:

Store client variables in a data source

  1. On the Client Variables page, in the Select Data Source to Add as Client Store table, select a data source from the drop-down list box. For information about creating a data source, see Create a data source.

  2. Click Add. The Add/Edit Client Store page for the data source appears. 

  3. Select options for the data source, as described in the following table. (To exit from the page without saving changes, click the left-arrow icon.)






A description of the client data store and its settings. Not displayed for Registry.


Create Client database tables

If ColdFusion can determine that the database you use supports SQL creation of database tables, this option appears, and you do not need to create the client variable tables before they are used. In this case, the Create Client Database Tables option appears on the Add/Edit Client Store page; if you select this option, ColdFusion creates the necessary tables in the database.


If the database does not support SQL table creation, if the database already has the required tables, or if you are using the Registry, this option does not appear.


Purge data for clients that remain unvisited for [n] days

Typically, client data is saved for a limited time. To delete (purge) client data that has not been accessed in a specified number of days, select this option and enter a value for the number of days.


Note: If a cluster of ColdFusion servers uses this data source, ensure that only one server is configured to purge client data.

Enabled; 90

Disable global client variable updates

By default, ColdFusion updates client variables for every page request. To prevent ColdFusion from updating variables, select this option.


If updates are disabled, ColdFusion updates global client variables only when they are first created and when they are updated. This helps improve application performance.



  1. Click Submit Changes. The Client Variables page appears, with your data source in the list.

  2. In the Select Default Storage Mechanism for Client Sessions table, select the data source.

  3. Click Apply.

Store client variables in a cookie or in the system registry

  1. On the Client Variables page, select Cookie or Registry.

  2. Click Apply.


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