Server Settings

Manage Undelivered Mails

You can view a list of undelivered mails in the Server Settings > Mail > Undelivered Mail page. To access this page and manage your undelivered mails:

1.      Click the View Undelivered Mail button from the Server Settings > Mails page.

2.      In the Server Settings > Mail > Undelivered Mail page, you can perform the following tasks:

  1. §        Sort mails

    §        Select to view specific columns

    §        Delete mails

    3.      Respool mails

a)      To sort the mails by Subject, Sender, To, File Size, and Date columns in ascending or descending order:

b)      Point to the column by which you want to sort the mails.

4.      Click the down arrow and select the sorting order.

a)      To view selected columns on the Undelivered Mails page:

b)      Point to any column and click the down arrow.

5.      Click columns and deselect the columns that you do not want to view on the page.

To delete or respool a mail, select the mail from the list and click Delete or Respool.


Related Topics

Server Settings tab

Configure mail settings