Server Settings

Mappings page

Server Settings > Mappings


A mapping equates a logical path (for example, /payroll) with a physical directory path (for example, C:\finance\payroll). If the path specified in a cfinclude or cfmodule tag starts with a forward slash (/), ColdFusion looks for that file in directories for which you have specified a ColdFusion mapping. For example, if your CFM page specifies <cfinclude template="/payroll/q4report.cfm">, ColdFusion uses the /payroll mapping to include C:\finance\payroll\q4report.cfm.


ColdFusion also searches mapped directories when locating ColdFusion components.


By default, ColdFusion defines a mapping for the web root (/). You can define additional mappings to allow access to pages outside of the web root.


Note: ColdFusion mappings are different from web server mappings, which you use to define virtual web server directories.


Use this page to add, update or delete ColdFusion mappings. Also use this page to change the root "/" mapping to point elsewhere; this alias usually points to the web root.

Add a mapping

  1. In the Logical Path text box, enter the name of the alias to assign to a directory.

  2. In the Directory Path text box, enter the directory for which you are creating the alias. Click Browse Server to locate and enter the directory name.

  3. Click Add Mapping. The Active ColdFusion Mappings table shows the new mapping.

Update or delete a mapping

  1. Click a logical path or a directory path from the Active ColdFusion mappings table. Fields appear on the Mappings page above the mappings table.

  2. To update a logical or directory path, edit the information in the appropriate field, and then click Update Mapping. The Active ColdFusion Mappings table shows the updated mapping and the original mapping.

  3. To delete a mapping, click Delete Mapping after selecting an entry from the list. The mapping is removed immediately from the table.

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