
ColdFusion processes on UNIX

Note: The coldfusion process discussion does not apply when deploying ColdFusion on a J2EE server.


The ColdFusion installation creates a single process in UNIX called cfusion. To check whether it is running, use the following command:

ps - eaf | grep coldfusion

If it is running, your computer returns a line like the following:

nobody 4528 1 10 12:44 pts/0 00:00:07 /opt/coldfusion/bin/coldfusion -start


ColdFusion also creates a process named k2admin for Verity search, which spawns two additional processes, k2server and k2index.

Manage the ColdFusion process in UNIX

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Enter the following command:

    cd cf_root/bin

  3. Enter the appropriate command, as the following table describes:




Start ColdFusion

coldfusion start

Stop ColdFusion

coldfusion stop

Restart ColdFusion

coldfusion restart

View performance information for ColdFusion

coldfusion status

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